Contact Us

Thanks for visiting our blog!  We're always open to new topics, ideas, tips, and advice.  And we LOVE to hear from other moms, dads, grandparents or even kids!  So, share with us!  

Tell us about your struggles and your successes.  Tell us about your creative ideas and your biggest challenges.   We're not here to pretend like life is always sunshine and rainbows, and sometimes it does give you lemons.  But while we can't be there to pour a nice big glass for you, we hope you will find the strength here to "Squeeze That Lemon" and make some lemonade!  We're still learning that lesson too!  

Also, maybe you are in need of a review on a product and can't find it anywhere online... let us know that too! We will be posting reviews of the products we use and we hope you will weigh in! This blog is all about you...sharing, giving, and receiving!  Feel free to email us at!

We hope you will share us with other moms and don't forget to subscribe!  We can send you updates directly to your email.  

Thank you again for checking us out!  

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