Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, TRY AGAIN!

It's my never ending war of trying to "go green" as they say. My battle always starts strong; plenty of warriors (Shawn and I that is), lots of armor (loads of ideas and ways to accomplish the mission), and LOADS of ammunition (we make A LOT of waste). So I thought I would share my journey and struggles, and challenge all of you to fight for the same. Because even if you don't buy the whole "global warming" philosophy, common sense tells you our resources can't last forever and our trash can't keep being buried underground!

Here are the things I got down pat... recycling cans and bottles, turning the water off when I brush my teeth (an action that was DRILLED into my head long before this blog post), and using Tupperware instead of zip lock bags, foil, and/or plastic wrap.

So I am giving myself three tasks to hold strong to! Cause lets be real... 3 changes at once is about all I can take.

1. Use less paper towels! Not only will this help the enviroment but it will also help my wallet! YIPPEE! Shawn and I go through a ton of paper towels every month so I am going to make key substitutions in my lineup of household tools to win this battle! Here they are...

Currently uses: My goal is to start using these instead:
Washing Windows Newspaper – I can reuse my mother-in-laws since I don’t get the paper on a regular basis. Then I will recycle it!
Wiping Off Counter Top A microfiber towel that I have had for many years,  Remeber, not all microfiber towels are made equal! Don't buy the cheapest one on the shelf or you may not get the best absorbtion!! I use the Kitchen Millenium Microfiber Towel. 
Cleaning (Floors, Bathrooms, Etc.) Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber Scrub Sponges  purchased at Walmart, as well as using a different microfiber towel I have same brand and type as listed above. (however not the same towel... EW!)
Drying Off Hands (Yes, I know!) Good ole’ fashion dish towel
Napkins Ummm, Uhh…....Okay, I got nothin’ Let’s just say this is a freebee? 4 out of 5 isn’t bad right?

2. Staaaarrrtt a compost pile - (in a soft whisper)... YIKES!!! Seems so scary! And Shawn is desperately trying to convince me otherwise. Yet is so appealing and sounds sooo earth friendly! (just call me Cloud). So WE'RE IN! Stay tuned for a post on how we start the pile and what we put in it.

3. Reusable bags for the shopping - The best part is... I already have them!  Because every time I see a cute, trendy, "green friendly" shopping bag near a check out I fall victim to my wanna-be green impulse, and buy it (remember...part of my battle "starting strong"). Or I get them as freebies at events! Then I get home and store them in my coat closet, only to be brought out occasionally for carrying things from my house to someone else's. So here they are... all my bags!!!

Wow, didn't even know I had this many until I went into all the nooks and cranny's in all my closets throughout the house to hunt them down. Don't laugh... the first step in conquering addiction is admitting you have a problem! So I am on my way to recovery! :)  Besides I can think worse things to be addicted to.

Now I am going to put them in my car so that I have them ready to USE!! So join me... When they say "Paper or Plastic?" we say "Neither".

Phew, I feel better already! I feel like I am contributing to the world and really, isn't that what being a mother is all about... making sure our children are ready for the world, Yes. But making sure our world is ready for our children is just as important!

Remember our mission in Lemonade Moms isn't to add 1 more thing to your "to do list" but if you have always wanted to start being more e-friendly these are a few simple ways we have started in our house!  So, let me in on any secrets you all may have about being eco friendly and doing your part! I'd love to hear it! 

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